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Weathering the storm together

It was a night to celebrate: MBI founder Fernando Goldsztein had the honor of stepping on stage together with MBI partner and medulloblastoma survivor Daniel Scola.

A (lemonade) toast to Ava and friends

Supported by her family and hard-working friends, Ava Strong, a kid with brain cancer, sold enough lemonade to raise U$ 225 for medulloblastoma research...

MATCHPOINT: Has Medulloblastoma Met Its Match?

Duane Mitchell, MD, PhD, co-director of the University of Florida’s Preston A. Wells Jr. Center for Brain Tumor Therapy, leads the MATCHPOINT trial. The therapy harnesses adoptive cell therapy (ACT), which...


Drs. Duane Mitchell and Elias Sayour from the Cure Group 4 Consortium have received approval from the Food and Drug Administration to test...

A milestone for MBI

Scientists, academics, researchers, entrepreneurs, and media personalities gathered last Wednesday (May 10th) at the Brazilian Embassy in Washington, D.C...

The quest for a cure for medulloblastoma

In March 2024, Revista PUCRS published a beautiful interview with alumnus Fernando Goldsztein, Founder of The Medulloblastoma Initiative and Board Member of the Children's National Hospital Foundation...