Clinical trials just
around the corner
Dr. Duane Mitchell's research includes pioneering clinical studies in medulloblastoma (Re-MATCH) and gliomas (PEACH), which have confirmed the potential of this approach as a platform for cure. In the following interview, Dr. Mitchell...
Guri trophy
In August 2023, the founder of The Medulloblastoma Initiative was honored with the 24th Guri Trophy, a major award created by Grupo RBS, a broadcasting conglomerate in Rio Grande do Sul...
2nd Cure Group Four Consortium Workshop: Clinical trials are just around the corner!
II Workshop do Consórcio Cure Group 4: os testes clínicos estão chegando! O destaque mais importante do segunda workshop presencial do Consórcio é o anúncio…
Global stage
No dia 2 de junho de 2023, o fundador da MBI, Fernando Goldsztein, falou em um encontro de empreendedores realizado pelo MIT, o programa de MBA onde Fernando estudou…
First in-person workshop with the Cure Group Four Consortium investigators
“Esperamos ter aberto o caminho para o tratamento desta doença”, diz Roger Packer, do Hospital Children’s National, em Washington DC (EUA)…
Taking the Initiative Against Pediatric Brain Cancer
Em 2002, Fernando Goldsztein, entrou no programa de MBA do Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) para ampliar a sua visão sobre gestão….