Enter the MBI and Children's National Hospital fundraising race — make a donation right now!

Why support the Initiative

Fundraising for the MBI is easy — check out our Fundraising Guide!

One day, the Ellis family decided to raise funds for the MBI, and they were really successful. The steps to success are described in the Handbook of Hope, which you can access here. Get inspired by this amazing family and become a fundraiser right now.

Fundraising for the MBI is easy — check out our Fundraising Guide!

One day, the Ellis family decided to raise funds for the MBI, and they were really successful. The steps to success are described in the Handbook of Hope, which you can access here. Get inspired by this amazing family and become a fundraiser right now.

FDA approves the first clinical trials for the cure of medulloblastoma

MBI is going to participate in the Race for Every Child, and you can do the same

Bret Baier, Fox News anchor, interviews Fernando Goldsztein and Dr. Roger J. Packer